Combined Shape

Recupero e riqualificazione delle Vie dell’Acqua Torano e Maretto

Piedimonte Matese, 2023

Location: Piedimonte Matese (CE), Italy
Year: 2023
Project: OKS Architetti
Collaborator: Cristina Bartolucci, Daniele Della Ragione, Ilenia Patrì, Marco Cardini
Video rendering: Marco Cardini, Martina Farolfi
Program: Urban rehabilitation and redevelopment
Type: International design competition (project finalist - 4th prize)

The proposed Water Streets project is presented as a re-stitching of public space: where the path of the water is interrupted, either in the uncovered section (with bridges allowing its crossing) or in the covered section (with city streets replacing the stream), it is visually recomposed through peculiar and easily recognizable elements. As is the case in the Japanese Kintsugi technique, an art form that makes each object unique by enhancing its fractures, the “fragments” of the two canals are re-joined through paving that resembles the concentric waves of water and “decorated” with elements of street furniture, which in terms of shape and materials are proposed as urban sculptures. The result is an artifact, the city, traversed by lines, the waterways, that make it new and enhance its uniqueness.

oks architetti

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