Combined Shape

Casa-Torre di Arnolfo di Cambio

Colle di Val d'Elsa, 2023

Location: Colle di Val d'Elsa (SI), Italy
Year: 2023
Project: OKS Architetti
Advisor: Eng. Andrea Pagliazzi, Pietro Giovanardi
Collaborator: Cristina Bartolucci, Daniele Della Ragione
Program: Restoration and interior design
Type: Public work
Commission: SFTE

The tower-house object of the intervention, part of the historical nucleus of Colle Val d’Elsa, appears to have been built in medieval times. The project extends over all four levels of the Tower-House where general interventions and punctual interventions will be planned. On all levels the existing terracotta floor will be removed and replaced with a gray-colored cement resin floor. The staircase will be secured and a new parapet will be built, also in anthracite-colored metal. The latter also represents an exhibition panel where, through illustrations and texts, the most important historical events of the town of Colle di Val d’Elsa will be told in a chronological manner. The perimeter walls, currently painted white, will be restored and cleaned. The furnishings and fittings, are planned to be made of charcoal gray metal like the existing exterior iron fixtures that will be restored and painted. Part of the roof will be demolished to make room for a viewing platform, accessible through the main staircase, which is the end point of the exhibition route. A mechanized sliding roof will then be provided to complement the existing roof. It is hypothesized that in this portion of the tower, there was a “pure tower,” demolished or collapsed over the years; in fact, the terrace, in addition to offering a view of the valley, is intended to emphasize this historical sign, emphasizing the geometry of the hypothesized volume.

oks architetti

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