Combined Shape

Nuovo polo scolastico Gandhi

Pontedera, 2023

Location: Pontedera (PI), Italy
Year: 2023
Project: OKS Architects + dedaLEGNO sstp + Per.Ind. Fedora Lombardi + Arch. Claudio Berti
Collaborator: Ilenia Patrì, Daniele Della Ragione
Program: school
Type: Public work
commission: PD

The volumetries of the new school complex are characterized by simple and linear geometries that harmonize with the building context and the surrounding landscape, making the school also well identifiable in the surrounding urban fabric. The design is based on an idea of an “innovative school” for which specific design solutions were adopted, which together with the simple and sequential layout, make the school flessible in its use and modular over time, which can then easily adapt to changing school demographics or specific changing functional needs. The school is developed on a single level, longitudinally to the project lot, and is ideally formed by three clearly recognizable volumes elevated from the ground level, to also meet the requirement of the 200-year hydraulic wing. The plaza located to the east provides access to the main entrance of the Preschool. To the south of the school volume are developed the independent and autonomous rooms of the Nursery School. This volume, accessible from a forecourt located to the south of the building complex, is in formal continuity with the general volume of the school but is identified with an important autonomous entrance that can also be reached, as for the Kindergarten, by a wide staircase that bridges the difference in height of the hydraulic wing.

oks architetti

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