Combined Shape

Nuovo centro civico

Villacidro, 2014

Location: Villacidro (VS), Italia
Year: 2014
Project: OKS Architetti
Program: Auditorium and cultural center
Type: Open competition (mentioned)

The project divides the intervention area into two parts: a building that will house the auditorium and the other functions planned and a public park. The project is born from the desire to create an element linked to the scale of the country together with an atmosphere that recreates the views that are found in its paths. The volumetric system consists of three volumes crossed by flights of stairs. The ramps create a window inside the building. The two main prospectuses are treated differently. One, lighter, creates a suspended fifth facing the new gateway to Villacidro. The other is characterized by thin slabs punctuated by deep wooden blades.

oks architetti

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