The Briosco public library integrates with the site taking advantage of its morphological characteristics. The volume is formed by two overlapping parts: the first, more hermetic and partly underground, is located at the lowest altitude. The second develops from the highest altitude of the site. The projection of this volume creates a covered area on the sides of the building and wraps around the entrance area with a wing crossed by a tree. The roof re-elaborates and exacerbates the typical pitched roofs of the context buildings. The hall opens into a terraced space which allows to reach the daycare centre and the reading room at the upper floor. The central area becomes the main element of the spatial hierarchy of the project around which will be developed the other functions of the library. A walkway suspended above the hall connects the reading room with a terrace overlooking the entrance court.
arch. Eugenio Salvetti
arch. Luca Scollo
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