Combined Shape

Mensa e palestra scolastica

Bagno di Gavorrano, 2023

Location: Bagno di Gavorrano (GR), Italy
Year: 2023
Project: OKS Architects - Studio Elemento
Collaborator: Cristina Bartolucci, Daniele Della Ragione
Program: Gym - canteen
Type: Tender assignment of the work

The project for the new gymnasium and cafeteria at the “R. Fucini” elementary school, in addition to meeting various school needs, has the premise of enhancing the entire urban area both from a landscape and social point of view, prefiguring itself as a real landmark for the entire community. The school area will thus have to become a place of exchange and connection with the neighborhood. It will be a school that creates integration, a sustainable place immersed in nature. The surrounding agricultural plot, characterized by rows of olive trees and vines, identifies the main lines of the new project and the surrounding outdoor spaces. The new volumes of the gymnasium and cafeteria thus follow the entire plot and are positioned parallel to the school, connected in turn by a covered canopy.

oks architetti

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