Combined Shape

Casa alle Sieci

Pontassieve, 2020

Location: Pontassieve, Italia
Year: 2020
Project: OKS Architetti
Program: Interior renovation
Type: Private commission
Photography: Fabio Semeraro

The house is located in Le Sieci a few steps from the river Arno, in the municipality of Pontassieve. The important intervention of structural consolidation has also allowed a restructuring of some indoor environments. The renovation of the tavern, intended as a living area, took into account the characteristics of the entire house along with the needs of those who live there. The choice of materials and finishes is the result of careful research, aimed at enhancing the space and objects of the apartment. The fireplace, with its simple and linear geometry, becomes the central element of the entire intervention, taking on a strong symbolic value of aggregation and family reunion.

oks architetti

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