The project consists in the redevelopment of the air immediately adjacent to the banks of the Moraca River, trying to create a connection between the two parts of the city and create a homogeneous organism between the different tissues of Podgorica, that has seen over the years a succession of urban plans that have not focused on the potential of contact with the river for the city. All set with an eye to the consumption of soil, ecology, energy saving and environmental impact in general. The design starts from the identification of the existing focal points of the city, connecting them through a sinuous and recognizable path, that identifies the areas in which to create differentiated scenarios revitalizing the positive elements existing and intensify the plant and tree-lined existing. Along the river and the banks has been designed a curvilinear path with tangential development to these orbits, which connect and bounce the cyclo-pedestrian flow from one pin to another. These sharp fragmentations are suggested by the different urban scales present in the design of the city, decided at the time of its expansion. The different zones are clearly divided by the orthogonal main road arteries, those that during our analysis were used to generate the guidelines for our intervention. The generation of the path, in summary, starts from the main current, to go to question them and provide a new way of living and crossing the city fully and enthusiastically to discover the realities outside the classical vision of the neighborhood. Along the way there are various functions and activities: beach, sensory garden, kayak bay, terraced docks, boathouse, white pat, urban park.
arch. Eugenio Salvetti
arch. Luca Scollo
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